Introduction: Iranian traditional medicine is based on the quadruplet temperaments.
Objectives: In the present study we aimed to evaluate the association of premenstrual syndrome
(PMS) and temperaments and ethnicities of female medical students of the west of Iran.
Patients and Methods: To conduct this study, we selected 100 female college students of
Lorestan University of Medical Sciences. To diagnose their temperaments (natures), we used a
10-item questionnaire. For the ethnicities, we applied the neighbor-joining tree of western Iran
ethnicities previously reported based on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes. A researcherdesigned
questionnaire was used for the detection of PMS.
Results: Among 100 enrolled students, 45 students were healthy, and 55 students had different
stages of PMS. Female students with typical warm nature were more susceptible to PMS
(P=0.036). The role of ethnicity was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: In medical plant related studies, patients should be categorized based on their
temperaments. Iranian traditional medicine should be reinvestigated based on evidence-based